

Let Us Do Good



Most will immediately recognize this quote from Galatians 6:10, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Let us focus on the “especially” part for this week, “the household of faith.” If you are a member of this local church, and if the timing has worked out this week as it typically does, you have access to the “News and Notes” pub-lished each week. If you have not read it yet, pause here, read it and see if you can find any opportunities to serve. 

There are times over the years where there will be more challenges faced by an individual congregation that others. Right now, is one of those times. We have several members who simply need our help and encouragement. I joked a few weeks ago about keeping the or-tho doctors well supported and we have had a more members need surgery since. Not all issues are physical, we also have brethren struggling with emotional issues and they have needs as well. Because of God’s grace and member’s generosity in contributing each first day of the week, the congregation has been able to supply benevolence to several over the last year, so we also know there are those struggling financially. 

With difficulty, comes opportunities to serve. 

We have a lot of opportunities! God uses people to help (2 Cor 7:5-7), why not you/me? Look around our congregation, we have many who are simply great servants! Notable examples indeed but let us not sit beside because we think it is all covered. As the famous hymn "Room in God’s Kingdom” says, “there is room in the kingdom of God, my brother, for the small things you can do.” One of my favorite passages of scripture is Matthew 25, where we read about people coming to Judgment. In verses 34-46 the examples of service mentioned are all small things! Food, drink, shelter, clothes, and visitation is the list. Can you provide one of these small things? If you simply do not have extra money to help anyone, then visit. Visitation today comes in many forms. Cards, calls, texts are all great! Show up if you can. Do you remember Job and his friends? Do you remember how Job’s friends started off as supportive? All this calamity comes upon Job and his friends hear about the news and go to visit, to mourn with him, and to comfort him. Job 2:12-13 “12 And when they raised their eyes from afar, and did not recognize him, they lifted their voices and wept; and each one tore his robe and sprinkled dust on his head toward heaven. 13 So they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great.” Doesn’t this turn the old excuse, “I don’t know what to say”, on its head? They said nothing for a week, but they were there. 

Do you have the capability, through God’s blessings, to help your brethren? Perhaps you are not ready to silently sit in the dirt for a week just to be present. Here is another example of being present, start here. Your presence at the gathering of the saints builds the faith of everyone present. A room filled with praise of our great God is faith building. A fussy toddler amid teaching from God’s Word is faith build-ing. A church building with elderly members overcoming physical pain to be present is faith building. A single person who may feel they are not making an impact, is faith building. I could go on with a plethora of examples, everyone overcomes something to be present. Last Lord’s Day, I was pleasantly surprised, as Alyse Nash and family visited our congregation to worship. I watched her being helped outside after worship and Alyse and her family paused to greet some people with 

hugs. She could barely stand on her own and she knew she had days or maybe hours to live but she was there to worship, and her presence served others. That is how presence works. I only know a fraction of her story, but I know I witnessed God’s grace, God’s strength, and a family’s solid faith in action and that increased my faith. Alyse went on before us, into the hope of God’s promises just three days later. Re-peatedly we have seen brethren exhibit Hebrews 10:24-25 in this way, showing up to worship under incredible strain. What faith! Our pres-ence matters and is faith building to others while we worship God to-gether. 

In Galatians, the brethren are being encouraged to not return to the law which Christ fulfilled. Galatians 5:13 “13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” While we never have been under the Law, we do have liberty, and with liberty comes a choice. Here is that word opportunity again. Here we are encouraged to use the liberty to serve each other. With this liberty, an attitude of giving ourselves in service should come to the forefront of our minds. Remember the early church at Jerusalem in Acts 2:42-47? If anyone had a need, it was taken care of by other brethren. The church served one another. They exhib-ited simple joyful fellowship with each other, inside and outside of wor-ship. Liberty equals opportunity and opportunity should equal service. 

Let us think of ways to serve brethren who need our help this week. Start by being present at worship, but do not stop there. Set a goal, even a small one, God notices, Matthew 25 tells us so. Partner up with someone to serve. We have so many great servant examples amongst us, ask one of them if you can partner up with something this week. Perhaps if you have plans to serve this week, partner up with someone who can grow from the experience. Use your liberty and ability to meet an opportunity to serve, and let us do good.